Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Work for Today

Hi Guys

I'm out for cricket today so here are the things you can do please.

1. Antarctica Research - use the guide shared with you yesterday.
2. Maths learning goals.
3. Free writing - do not spend all day on this.
4. Mrs Hicks' Memory Book pages
5. Poem for your secret person in the class.
6. Anything else the class is doing that the teacher says you can join in with.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Welcome Back!

Hi Rm 25

Welcome back to Term 4 at Glendowie!

This is a report term so we have to get through a lot of testing. The good news is that you did all your AsTTle tests last term.

Below is the photo of the lava lake I showed you this week. It is from a continuously active volcano, Erta Ale, Ethiopia.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

C'mon Guys!

This week we are busy getting our work in order so that we can show off to our parents how brilliant we are! Student Led Conferences are here again and, I have to say, that the class is working really well. C'mon guys, lets get this done!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Final Art Piece Feedback Groups

Group 1

James , Georgia , Jake, Benjamin C, Tom, Laura

Group 2

Boston , Tomas, Kate, Ashley, Ben K, TW

Group 3

Ie Mon , Timothy , Emily , Charles, Rina, Caleb 

Group 4

Sam , Ryan , Sasha , Ryan, Samantha, Chloe, Keanu

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Tws Blog

My name is Thomas and ... I like food, sports and animals. My favourite sport is football and my favourite club is Chelsea.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A little bit about me AKA laura

Hi I'm a Horse Crazy Shank called Laura :3 If the bit I just typed didn't give enough info I'm a girl that is horse crazy to the bone and is a TMR Fan-girl (the maze runner):3 I am WEIRD but that is just who I am. I am Christan and I am proud to be. I have no Kiwi Blood in me. Im South African:) I love to sing and be around friends family and horses :3 I read the fist 3 Maze Runner Books In 4 days (2 for the maze runner and 3/4 of a day for the scorch trails and 1 and 1/4 for The Death Cure). I like big books and I can not lie, I read all the time. I get nervous alot especially when I present or preform something as a test or to a crowd but I once read in a book "If you ain't scared you ain't human"~ The Maze Runner. 

ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Ryan's Blog (◑౪◐)

What's up! My name is Ryan I was born in the Philippines. I enjoy playing sports and video games and play Football, Basketball and Swimming as a hobby. I really love music! to be precise I mostly like listening to Dance and Electronic. I too love art! specially origami I like it because its relaxing. ㋡ ☯ ☢ 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Welcome To My Blog

Hi my name is Ie Mon and I have 3 sisters and I love doing gymnastics with my friends and I love animals, most sport, and of course SHOPPING!!! I have also been to 3 primary schools and I have also lived in 7 houses in my life.

My story

I absolutely love sports and the colour blue. I spend at least 1 day of every week at the library reading book after book. Guess who I am! Yes i'm Chloe. I have been studying for my dream to be a doctor since I was 7 years old. My family of 38 is crazy, but at the end of the day they give me love and respect. That's why there family. Well that's my story, what's your's?
Hello and well come to my blog
hi my name is Keanu I am a student at glendowie primary school and I like my teacher and everybody else in the year I like to play sports games terraria and stuff like that and derplings


Hi my name is Ben I am a sports inthusiast I trial for all the sports teams. I have yust finished renovating my house. I have four younger brothers that are always asking me questions. I ingoy maths because my dad is very good at it and teaches me new things all the time. I love to swim with. My brothers and my dad.                                                                                                                                        

Ryan Gin

Welcome to my blog

Cover photo
this is me 
Ryan Gin
(Don't I look CUTE  >o<)

Im 12 years old i like playing video gamess and playing sports


Hey guys.

I am Caleb the whale loving person and a Unicorn loving person so Narwhals are the best.
Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals NarwhalsNarwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals NarwhalsNarwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals NarwhalsNarwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals Narwhals

I am Jake the guy who brings a football to school and is funny no buts about it. ha ha but


Image result for simons cat

A little bit about me :3 Laura

Hi I'm a Horse Crazy Shank called Laura :3 If the bit I just typed didn't give enough info I'm a girl that is horse crazy to the bone and is a TMR Fan-girl (the maze runner):3 I am WEIRD but that is just who I am. I am Christan and I am proud to be. I have no Kiwi Blood in me. Im South African:) I love to sing and be around friends family and horses :3

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Introducing Blogger!!!!

Age of Wonders

Hi Room 25!

This is a new beginning, a time when people will look back and marvel at the wonders we created, discuss with awe the ........ well, no, it's not that great, but it is good.

This term will are starting to use blogger as our class page.  I will be learning as much as you guys will be. In fact, I'm pretty sure you will be the ones schooling me on its use in the not too distant future.

Below are some videos that will help get you going. Gambatte o'kudasai. (Good luck)

Welcome to Rm 25's Blog

RM 25 Hall of Infamy

"Jak - a - lin"
"Da Hen"
"Tee Dub"
"Tom Afternoonan"
"Sir Charlie"
"Mr B"
"MLG Davies"
"Emily of the Two Doors"
"Huggie Bear"
"The Punctuator"
"Mr Mzungu Chiizi"